Sunday, April 1, 2012

Vir Sola'Sori.

I have been given the name Vir Sola'Sori. I was given my name by Sola'Vir Sola'Vren, an odd person who IMed me in regards to buying the rights to one of my builds. For a grand total of 10,000L; I sold her a small 'battle platform' that I made out of boredom. I came to find that others have been given names as well: A female officer from some long-since-past military is known as Vir Sola'Gant. She and I now act as assistants to Sola'Vir Sola'Vren.

The naming system itself is quite fascinating; and reminds me somewhat of that used in many medieval series. A name is composed of three parts: The Caste, The Prefix, and The Personal. The Caste is either "Vir" or "Sola'Vir". Roughly translated, "Vir" means "We", while "Sola'Vir" means "We of the Light"; denoting membership in the core community. The Sola'Vir are regarded almost as gods of the Vir.

Next is The Prefix; which is always "Sola'". This denotes the individual as being "of the Light", even if they remain outside the "[Community] of the Light". Lastly comes The Personal; a specially-given name. To be given a Personal, one first chooses a word that is intended to act as a reference to their personality or history. The Personal is then made up of four letters from the chosen name; though they must be in the proper order. My word, for example, was "[S][o]ve[r]e[i]gn", the bracketed letters forming my personal: Sori. Once assembled, my formal given name is Vir Sola'Sori. The other two I have mentioned have different words: Gant's word was "Gauntlet", and Vren's was "Verboten".

I will definitely have more to write about my new friends, their history, their religion, and their incredible society... And our attempts to bring it to the First Grid, which we know as Second Life.

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