Saturday, March 17, 2012

The White Picket Fence.

So, I have a second post for you tonight... And possibly one more before I go to bed. This is concerning the fatal line between my parents and I. In their own stereotypical-but-broken way, my parents want me to be happy. This otherwise-honorable goal is ruined by one thing... Their definition of happy and my definition of happy are radically different.

They picture the "American Dream". They want to see me with a pretty white house with a red door and a white picket fence. In their vision, I live happily with my wife (Brown-haired, not blonde. I swear I could write a brilliant book using only my dad's dating advice), my two-point-five children and the family dog. Each morning, I'd come downstairs in my suit and tie to be greeted by a warm breakfast. I'd head to the office in my Lexus, and spend the day working an participating in the a's-seen-on-TV office antics. I'd return home, my wife returning at the same time from fetching the kids from school. We'd carry in the groceries, and the wife would get to work on dinner. We'd eat a's a family, then enjoy a movie together before heading to bed...

My scenario isn't particularly similar... And, while still romanticized is a tad more realistic. Or so I think.

Firstly, the house... It isn't a house. It's a small "apartment" on the upper level of a main-street-style coffee shop and bakery. I'd live there with my husband. We'd run the shop together, serving the handful of regulars who stopped by each day. In the late afternoon, we'd close; then spend the rest of the day doing whatever we wanted; watching movies, gaming, going to shows, etc. We would come home and I'd cook us a nice dinner. After that, it'd be time for a night of alcohol and sex.

Their vision for me is what I'd refer to as the "Happy Life" plan, while I consider mine to be a "Have Fun, Die Young" plan. Plus, there's the issue of the domestic roles... Sorry, I don't want a wife; I'd choose the kitchen-and-skirt any day. I don't think my parents are open-minded enough to process that "Always hanging out with all the girls" doesn't always mean "Wants to date the girls"... Actually, in my case, it's "Shares the same interests as most of the girls".

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