Saturday, March 17, 2012

Go to Bed.

Every night. The same yelling match comes between ten and twelve: Go to bed. I don't want to. I'm not tired. I prefer the night anyways. When I was younger, I wouldn't lead to a screaming match. It's be a far more civil response: "Why should I?". This was met with various answers, none of which I believe to be valid.

The first of these answers is the classic parent answer: "Because I said so.". An argument ground in the outdated belief that a parent is always correct, and that children are intended to obey without question. Of course, I don't blindly accept that social rule... After all, who am I to take orders from someone who tries to place phonecalls on the TV remote.

The second answer, which didn't make an appearance until I was in high school is that "Staying up at night is bad for you.". Now, this is one I find to be blatantly false. While I'm not a doctor, a fair bit of google and wikipedia has lead ms to the conclusion that it is unhealthy to fight one's natural sleep cycle. Most people naturally get tired in the evening, and wake in the morning. However, for some people, this cycle is delayed a few hours or even reversed. There is also a sub-class of sleep disorders called "Non-24"; with which I have self-diagnosed myself. A sleep schedule running on a 26 hour clock describes my sleep habits almost perfectly.

The last answer is: "Because it's part of being a responsible adult.". Well, fuck that. I'm not a responsible adult. I'm 18, and I hate the concept of responsibility. To be responsible means to throw aside all self-expression and to give in fully to the cookie-cutter that society wants you to fit into. I'm not going to do that. I don't care "how much I'm hurting myself" or "how I'll never accomplish anything". To me, that life is far worse than death.

So, when they tell me to go to bed; it turns into a screaming match. Every night, we go through the same routine; and we scream and curse like it will solve things. All hopes for a civil solution are dashed, because I won't accept what they consider to be fundamental truths of reality. But, we're all far too stubborn to accept that we perceive things differently. We all believe that we are right and everyone else is wrong. And that is why humans are a self-destructive species.

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